Charity the Church cat

von Biscuits

Charity von Biscuits was born in a back alley right here in Mattoon, IL. During a particularly bad thunderstorm Charity was scared into the backyard of Alicia Seng, our Youth Director.

She was found there, mewling away, demanding to be loved. She was very sick, alone, and hungry. After a slightly traumatic trip to the vet and some medicine, she was deemed to be healthy. Charity decided to pursue a vocation in ministry as the "Church Cat" and help with de-stressing, comforting, and promote a general sense of peace and happiness. She has two cat brothers named Jax and Jitterbug.

Charity likes playing, snuggling, and entertaining the people around her. She likes chicken, treats, and killing those fake mice that she finds everywhere. Her main hobby is purring and being adorable. Her favorite movie is Harry Purr-ter, her favorite color is purr-ple and she enjoys dancing to Mice Mice Baby as well as other mew-sic. On a cold weekend you can catch her eating Mice Krispies and watching Claw and Order. You do have to watch her when playing board games because she can be kind of a cheetah.

We have a strong feline that this relationship between Charity and the church is going to work out well. She definitely has a
purr-sonality for littership, and is rarely in a bad mewd. If you ever need some support, you can come and tail her about it and you will no longer be a sourpuss. It will be an unfurgetable experience. If you need her to prey for you, she always will.